This episode, recorded in September 2018, is the final installment of a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode, Eden and Host Julie Sheldon discuss internships and externships for law students.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Career Development and Job Search Tools
Widener Law Commonwealth Externships
Music Credit: LeChuckz
This episode, recorded in September 2018, is the second in a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode, Eden and Host Julie Sheldon discuss tips for resumes and cover letters for law students and recent alumni.
The final installment in the series will be a discussion about and internships and externships.
Episode Transcript (PDF)
Mentioned in this Episode:
Career Development and Job Search Tools
Music Credit: LeChuckz
This episode is the first in a three-part series featuring Eden Mandrell, Director of the Career Development Office at Widener Law Commonwealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In this episode they discuss networking and professionalism for law students and recent alumni.
Upcoming episodes in this series will include discussions about resume building and internships and externships.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Pennsylvania Bar Association Law Student Membership
Dauphin County Bar Association
Career Development and Job Search Tools
Music Credit: LeChuckz